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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Whitney Port’s designs are affordable and wearable
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Whitney Port’s designs are affordable and wearable

US TV star turned designer, Whitney Port insists on her fashion line Whitney Eve to be affordable and for fans to feel comfortable wearing them. 
She said: "It's so important for clothes to be affordable, especially off the back of the fashion weeks around the world. I always want my collection to be very wearable and accessible for all girls. Sometimes when I'm watching a designer show, I think, 'When am I ever going to be able to wear that?' or 'I could never pull that off.' "
Whitney also refused to ever model her designs in any of her own catwalk shows because she would be too scared.
She told LOOK magazine: "It would be too much pressure for me. It looks fun, but I could never walk how models walk in heels. When I watch them I think they're gorgeous but freaks of nature - I don't really get body envy. I try not to compare myself."