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By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-Up Artist


Your eyebrows hold the power to enhance your facial features and make or break your make-up look. So how do you get them right? By sticking to the Ten Eyebrow Commandments:


1. Thou Shalt Not Over-Pluck.

Over-tweezing can result in hairs not growing back. If you’ve gone ‘tweeze-happy’, help sparse eyebrows back to their former glory by applying an eyebrow serum or caster oil.


2. Thou Shalt Follow The Natural Shape.

Brows should complement your type of face and shouldn’t overpower your overall look. Always follow the natural shape of your brows.


3. Thou Shalt Tint The Very Light Brows

Don’t be scared of a professional tint. You may discover the eyebrows you thought you’ve never had and enhance your features more.


4. Thou Shalt Respect The Size

All eyebrows have an arch, either soft or very arched but in comparison to the proportions of the face, there are small, medium and large eyebrows.


5. Thou Shalt Tweeze In The Direction of Growth

When plucking, tweeze in the same direction as the hair’s growth. This helps to prevent possible ingrown hairs.


6. Thou Shalt Not Copy Another’s Eyebrows

We all differ slightly and the proportions of your face are no exception, never try to copy the eyebrows of someone else or you could risk looking weird.


7. Thou Shalt Not Aim For An Identical Match

If your eyebrows are not entirely identical, don’t try to match them as you might end up plucking them to nothing. Instead seek the help of a soft brow pencil to correct any differences.


8. Thou Shalt Stick To The Right Length

Your eyebrow should be in tune with your eye shape or size. The starting point is parallel with the inner corner of your eye, measure it by holding a pencil vertically to the side of your nose. The outer point of the eyebrow can be measured by holding the pencil at 45 degrees to the outer corner of your eye.


9. Thou Shalt Pick The Right Colour

If your eyebrows need a little help in terms of thickness or definition, make sure your eyebrow pencil or powder eye shadow is not darker than your natural hair. Pick a shade lighter than the colour of your hair for optimum result.


10. Thou Shalt Keep Thy Brow Tools Handy

To ensure the best eyebrow look, choose only quality eyebrow shaping tools, including slanted tweezers that help to be precise, a brow wax pencil for untamed, bushier brows, a thin slanted brush when using eye shadow for definition or a soft brow pencil to fill in the brows with short, feathery strokes.





By Zuzana Ritchie, Beauty Writer and Make-Up Artist


Posted: 29 July 2013