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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Miranda Kerr is Kids Helpline ambassador
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Miranda Kerr is Kids Helpline ambassador

Miranda Kerr has been announced the new spokesperson for Australian charity Kids Helpline which provides free phone and online counselling for young children and young adults.


She told reporters in Sydney, Australia: "I want every child in Australia to know that there is someone who will listen to them, someone who can talk to them, no matter how big or small the issue. We all have challenging days, we all go through moments in our lives where we do need advice. I really want to encourage the younger generations to believe in themselves."


As well as becoming a mother to Flynn, the 29-year-old beauty admitted that a tragedy in within her own family - a younger cousin committing suicide - influenced her to take get involved with the charity.


She added: "It's important they have someone to turn to for advice that will help them grow and flourish into little human beings. I have a voice now, and it's important for me, personally, to use that in a positive way."


Miranda has previously done charitable work for Children International, which helps impoverished youngsters. Meanwhile, her husband, Orlando, is a Unicef Goodwill Ambassador.