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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Jude Law proud but not fulfilled yet
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Jude Law proud but not fulfilled yet

Although Jude Law is proud of his body of work so far he doesn't feel completely "fulfilled" by his filmography.

The 'Side Effects' star turned 40 at the end of December and is looking forward to taking his acting to a new level as he enters a new decade of his life.

He said: "I [am] optimistic about my 40s. The roles should get more complex. I look back and I'm proud of the work I've done but not fulfilled by it. I feel in some areas I've only scratched the surface."

Jude is glad he got to play Hamlet on stage in London before he reached the landmark age, and although he didn't quite make it before 40, he's looking forward to ticking off another of Shakespeare's characters, Henry V, at the end of this year.

In an interview with The Guardian newspaper, he explained: "I wanted to play [Hamlet] before I was 40. My feeling is always commit and do it. You don't want to get to 50 and have not played Hamlet. I wanted to play Henry before I was 40 too, but I just missed it. He died when he was 37 so he has got to be played as a young king and I think I can get there with a little help from prosthetics. I'm joking."