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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · Ginnifer Goodwin like to risk it on a red carpet
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Ginnifer Goodwin like to risk it on a red carpet

Ginnifer Goodwin likes to take risks with her red carpet looks and is not afraid if she ends up on a 'worst dressed' list.

She said: "I believe in falling on my face, getting back up and trying again. Clothes are a form of personal expression. Usually I work with stylists, and that's usually a very good idea. [Then] sometimes I'll go, 'I can do this myself!' And I'll wear something horrendous and be like, 'Ah, what did I do?' "

However, Ginnifer admits now she's getting older she has to less bold with her fashion choices.

She told People: "I know that I want to change [my style] up, but I don't know what that means exactly yet. I'm 34 - about to be 35 - and I feel my maturity in some ways, so it's time that my wardrobe evolves [with me]."