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EasyHairStyler · Magazine · David Beckham bringing new underwear line
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David Beckham bringing new underwear line


David Beckham is set to release another underwear collection for H&M in time for Christmas. 
High Street retailer H&M are reportedly planning to bring out more of David Beckham Bodywear.
David has previously spoken of how much he enjoyed working on the range:
"The underwear is totally my designs, and are things that I like to wear.
Working with a team has always been a key part of my life and I found that to be the same when developing this range.”
"Collectively with my design team we spent time working on the feel, fit and style to ensure the product is not only something I would wear but one which I would be proud to put my name to. I always want to challenge myself and this was such a rewarding experience for me. I'm very happy with the end result and I hope H&M's male customers will be as excited as I am."